Jobsite Utility Work Table


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Portable Jobsite Work Table

This is actually the brainchild of Dana Wilkerson, our resident remodeling contractor. Turns out he's not just another ugly face with a set of tools...he's actually pretty smart, but don't tell him or he'll get a big head.Job Site Table 1

It Folds; Plywood Doesn't

Dana carries a plastic folding table like this to every job. It's the perfect height, so there's no bending over to pick stuff up off the ground, plus there's covered storage below. It's perfect for keeping tool bags and boxes arranged and handy. It can also be used as a miter saw stand in some cases, depending on the quality of the table and the weight of the saw, of course.I know what you're thinking - buying a work table is a Contractor Quick Tip? Next, I'll be recommending that you make sure to wear shoes on the job, right? Not at all. This is just a great option to free up sawhorses and it's a whole lot easier to carry around than a full or even half sheet of plywood.They're available at stores like Costco and Home Depot for anywhere from $40 to over $100, you may even find one at a yard sale. The key feature is folding in half, so that it takes up minimal room.

Portable Utility Work Table


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